Weather Station Status

Station system up for 10 Days 11 Hours 40 Minutes 2 Seconds
Station system free memory 8.11GB
This website uses Weather-Display (10.37S-(b149)) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 2:00:24 PM 12/13/2024.
Console battery 0.7 volts.
Reception is currently 92%.
Station status is Ok.

NEXRAD Radar TCMH status: Active [last data 0:06:04 h:m:s ago]
as of 12/22/2024 12:42pm

NWS WSR-88D Transmit/Receive Status

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
12/22/2024 12:45pm
Weather-Display realtime Current 0:00:01 12/22/2024 12:45pm
Weather-Display FTP Current 0:04:14 12/22/2024 12:40pm
Weather-Display weather data Current 0:05:01 12/22/2024 12:40pm
Weather-Display NOAA report Current 12:32:47 12/22/2024 12:12am
Weather-Display Month report Current 12:32:49 12/22/2024 12:12am
River Conditions Current 0:14:59 12/22/2024 12:30pm
NWS Alert Data Current 0:14:56 12/22/2024 12:30pm
Webcam Image Current 0:00:00 12/22/2024 12:45pm